(blue star) New features


Convenor / Session Proposal

Review chairs that have an assigned category of abstracts, and are also assigned to session(s) as the convenor, can add from these abstracts to the session.

The abstracts don’t need to be accepted beforehand and a suggestion of a presentation will be created. The abstract is not available for further assignment anymore. Based on the session type, you can also setup a limit for the maximum assignment.



Upload personal and 3rd party collector vouchers per ticket type. If you choose to upload a template for e.g. the registration fee and another one for the course A, the participant will get two pdfs attached to the payment confirmation.

(blue star) Improvements


Invitation Helpdesk

The presentation type was added to the export on the invitation helpdesk.

Participation Format

Added the participation format “Onsite“/ “Virtual“ to the programme export module, to the default “presentations” .xslx export.



Updated icons for abstract status

Added a confirmation popup for bulk operations


The helpdesk logs indicate wether the log was created for a virtual live or on-demand session.