m-anage Release Notes

Release Notes: m-anage

All EU releases start at 05:00 PM CET. Depending on the number of the systems, your m-anage instance may be released up to four hours later.

All US releases start at 10:00 AM CET one day later. Depending on the number of the systems, your m-anage instance may be released up to four hours later.


Current Release - 11. December 2024 DONE


Upcoming major releases - 02. April 2025 SCHEDULED - 02. June 2025 SCHEDULED - 08. October 2025 SCHEDULED - 10. December 2025 SCHEDULED


m-anage was tested and designed for the current common browsers and combinations of Operating Systems:

Windows 10,11: Microsoft Edge (Trident & Chromium), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera GX, Brave

Mac OS 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

iOS 15, 16, 17, 18: Apple Safari, Google Chrome

Android 12, 13: Google Chrome

Suggested mobile devices: iPhone newer than 6 Plus, iPad newer than iPad Generation 6

For the most common administrative screens we suggest a Full-HD 1920x1080 resolution or mobile & tablet in landscape orientation. Lower resolutions are supported, but can cause scrolling of the content. Higher resolutions benefit from the UI.

Old release notes:

Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com

Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com