m-anage Release Notes


New features


Ticket setup

Registration hybrid mode JMT-5186

In some cases it is needed to separate the invoices by their VAT value for on-site and virtual orders. Therefor we introduced a new setting to make the user decide if they want to register for on-site or virtual. In the tickets-step, they will only see the tickets bound to the type they selected.


Enable step for registration type
Assign type to ticket-types


Of course, users can run multiple times through the wizard and register onsite and virtual.



New “State“ field

We extended the user input field “District“ to have a list of states for the countries: Unites States, Australia, Mexico, Canada

The mergefields still relate to the distract naming





Custom query setup

The list of custom queries was cleaned up and restructured.


Helpdesk Orders

An issue was fixed where you were not able to save and reavaluate the VAT Number / Po Number



The certificates helpdesk got a slight redesign and a new information column preparing to print@home



Venue Labels Setup

The venue labels were refined and fixed

Setup Templates

The feedback for invalid templates was improved


Session Manager

An issue was fixed when the session type/title/short/number/room etc. was not saved when a session group was added.


Modules JMT-11518 JMT-11644

Cleaned up the Roles / Tags list and fixed an issue when you couldn’t select all roles for exclusion


Instance Setup

Tile Setup

The tile setup list was enhanced to show the affected contexts and events or societies. In the details, the descriptions were updated and a color picker for the background color of the tile was added and the types now only show the available sizes.


Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com