To complete the suite of the new reviews we introduce the new review statistics.
First, you pick the review you want to get more insights on, but you can also get them across all reviews. You will get a list of all reviewers and their status - how many reviews they got assigned, completed and declined. A ratio with color coding will give you guidance of the status for each reviewer, but also for the whole review.
Mail merge JMT-8388
We introduce a new type of mass mail. To summarize, it offers the flexibility of office mail merge, with the benefits of sending E-Mails via the m-anage system.
It is possible to define custom data-sources (e.g. as an excel upload) and custom merge-fields based on the column headers of the data-source. The system then offers sending of tests and keeps them in the E-Mail history.
User Helpdesk
The speed of the search was increased massively.
Badge print priorityJMT-15687
Each badge template can be assigned to a print group. The badge which is marked as “Print only once“ gets the highest priority.
E.g. This can be useful if participants get assigned different tickets (e.g. Registration Fee, Speaker Registration, Exhibitior pass) and would be eligible for different badges, but should only get one.