New features
Additional filters for scores JMT-16863
The reviewers can apply a filter to their list of “done“ reviews to verify their scores that can display a range of average scores. E.g. “Display all abstracts where I scored between 1 and 3”.
Merge-fields for session custom-queries JMT-17054
The custom queries for a submitted session can now be assigned to merge-fields that can be used in word- and pdf-exports as well as in the review preview template.
Assign them in Submissions → Metadata → Customqueries to the replacer. You can use the merge-fields from mCQ1Name and mCQ1Valuem to mCQ10Name and mCQ10Valuem.
General remark for custom queries
Please use the label for a textbox, single-select, mutli-select etc. only for a short description of the expected content of the control. For longer description, use the Label-Control type.
Standard export abstracts JMT-14688
We added a new default report for the new review results.
Name: “Abstract Review - Default Report“
Description: “.xslx | An excel report that delivers all data the reviewer can fill in during a review“
Abstract Id
Abstract Number
Abstract Title
Abstract File URL (URL of preview pdf)
Abstract Submitter Email
Abstract Presenter Email
Abstract Review “Name”
Abstract Review “Number of scores”
Abstract Review “Average Score”
Abstract Review “Best Score”
Abstract Review “Worst Score”
Abstract Review “Reviewer Email“
Abstract Review “Note”
Abstract Review “Conflict of interest“ Yes/No (“Reject“)
Abstract Review “Decline Note“ Yes/No (“Reject Note“)
Abstract Review “Criterion Name“
Abstract Review “Criterion Score“
Abstract Review “Overall recommendation“
Abstract Review “Suggested Type“
Abstract Review “Suggested Topic“
Abstract Review “Suggested Subtopic“
Abstract Review “Suggested Keywords“ (separate by semicolon)
Abstract Review “Custom query“ […]
Standard export session JMT-16652
We added a new default report for the new review results.
Name: “Session Reviews - Default Report“
Description: “.xslx | An excel report that delivers all data the reviewer can fill in during a review“
Session Id
Session Number
Session Title
Session Submitter Email
Session Review “Name”
Session Review “Number of scores”
Session Review “Average Score”
Session Review “Best Score”
Session Review “Worst Score”
Session Review “Reviewer Email“
Session Review “Note”
Session Review “Conflict of interest“ Yes/No (“Reject“)
Session Review “Decline Note“ Yes/No (“Reject Note“)
Session Review “Criterion Name“
Session Review “Criterion Score“
Session Review “Overall recommendation“
Session Review “Suggested Type“
Session Review “Suggested Groups“ (separate by semicolon)
Session Review “Custom query“ […]
Programme at a glance
Personal programme PDF JMT-12282
We added the option to download the programme as a pdf which is recreated every 12 hours.
The template can be uploaded at Programme → Public Programme → Personal Schedule
Access to participant-types can be restricted using a tag that contains the role and the event-id.
E.g. for presenting authors for event id 861 like “mRE|83|861m”.
Group Registration
Display of participant-type descriptions JMT-15689
In the group registration, when adding a participant to the group manually, we added the description of the participant-type.
New mail merge-fields JMT-16067
For invitation mailings to speakers, chairs and co-speakers, we added the merge-fields for the session-type (mSessionTypem) and session-description (mSessionDescriptionm).