m-anage Release Notes
Release introduces key features and improvements, including an abstract submission process supporting HTML input, customizable E-Mail mail merges, and enhanced usability for submissions with clickable steps. It also updates UI text customization for components, simplifies event setup by merging module lists, and adds functionality to regenerate PDF abstracts. Additionally, the registration component is available for the m-anage dashboard, and the system provides feedback for faculty queries.
Abstract Submission
HTML JMT-16115
We created an abstract submission process that supports HTML content. When setting up a submission, you will have to choose if you let submitters upload the abstract bodies as Word-Files or if they have to enter the abstract into HTML RTE editors by enabling one of these steps for the submission wizard.
In the setup “HTML SECTION“ you have to add at least one section where the submitters enter their text.
When adding or editing a section you have a variety of options to define which content you allow, including format options or min/max characters and words
You can also enable an image file upload for each section.
In the “Requirements” setup you define the overall character count for the abstract body
The preview template for the abstract is still attached to the submitter or author submission confirmation E-Mail and is defined by our support team. In the next release, we plan to have an online editor for the template.
For reporting on the content we have a new m-anage Default report “AbstractHTMLContentReport“ which puts content of all sections into and .xslx-file.
Mail merge JMT-8388
We introduce a new type of mass mail. It offers the flexibility of office mail merge, with the benefits of sending E-Mails via the m-anage system.
It is possible to define custom data-sources by our support team and custom merge-fields based on the column headers of the data-source. The system then offers sending of tests and keeps them in the E-Mail history.
Ask our support team for additional datasources.
Clickable steps JMT-13274
The status of a complete step in a submission is saved and the submitter can easily jump between completed steps when editing the abstract or session.
Component on m-anage Dashboard JMT-18187
The registration component is now available as a module on the m-anage Dashboard to ease up testing and setup.
Event setup
Modules JMT-18744
In the past we had a list of modules for the m-anage dashboard and for the VMX. Since the some of the m-anage legacy modules used as part of the VMX dashboard it was not easily possible to have a proper setup. We reduced the lists to only one. If a module should appear on the VMX dashboard, edit it and check the “Enable for VMX Dashboard“ setting.
Abstracts JMT-17711
In the file details of an abstract on the abstract helpdesk we added an option to regenerate the pdf of an abstract that is displayed in the VMX.
Custom queries
Faculty JMT-19067
A “save successful“ feedback was added to the faculty custom query module.
- 1.1 Abstract Submission
- 1.1.1 HTML JMT-16115
- 1.2 E-Mail
- 1.2.1 Mail merge JMT-8388
- 1.1 Abstract Submission
- 2.1 Submissions
- 2.2 Registration
- 2.3 Event setup
- 2.3.1 Modules JMT-18744
- 2.4 VMX
- 2.4.1 Abstracts JMT-17711
- 2.5 Custom queries
- 2.5.1 Faculty JMT-19067
Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com