We introduce a new type of mass mail. To summarize, it offers the flexibility of office mail merge, with the benefits of sending E-Mails via the m-anage system.
It is possible to define custom data-sources (e.g. as an excel upload) and custom merge-fields based on the column headers of the data-source. The system then offers sending of tests and keeps them in the E-Mail history.
Additional filters for scores JMT-16863
The reviewers can apply a filter to their list of “done“ reviews to verify their scores that can display a range of average scores. E.g. “Display all abstracts where I scored between 1 and 3”.
Group Registration
Display of participant-type descriptions JMT-15689
In the group registration, when adding a participant to the group manually, we added the description of the participant-type.
New mail merge-fields JMT-16067
For invitation mailings to speakers, chairs and co-speakers, we added the merge-fields for the session-type (mSessionTypem) and session-description (mSessionDescriptionm).