Typically a user is blocked from being able to login after three failed attempts. They have to wait 10 minutes to try again. We give the option to EVENTMANAGERS to un-block users now. They are marked with the “locked“-icon and have the option to unlock.
In addition to not confuse a blocked user with a user that did not yet manage to active their account, we added a hint to the user profile picture on the user-helpdesk.
Connect / T2S JMT-17475
We renamed “Connect” to “LionWalk”
Renamed: “T2S” to “LionWalk Setup”
Renamed: “Connect“ to “Session & Ticket Sync”
Invitation Helpdesk
Participation Format JMT-17318
We added more descriptions for the participation format on the invitation helpdesk
This is displayed on the invitation helpdesk if it is enabled on Programme → Invitation Setup → “Participation Format - Enable edit“
Group Registration
We kept most of the original texts for now, but added descriptions and new labels. Furthermore, the checkboxes were regrouped to better fit to the topic they represent.
The options for the participant list are collected in a collapsible panel.
Some speacial-case setting were moved into an advanced section on the bottom