Session Submission

Session Submission


This document explains the setup of a session submission with a standard example. Optional items are marked with optional



  • An event was created.

  • You have at least Eventmanager rights.

  • Basic m-anage knowledge

Input setup / Roles



We advise you to define the requirements at Administration → Setup→ Input setup for the roles:


(= Submitter of a session)

At least E-Mail, Firstname, Surname (which system default anyway) and Country must be added to the list “Data for authenticated users“.”Data of 3rd party users” does not apply here, as only the authenticated user can submit a session, but not in the name of someone else.


At least E-Mail, Firstname, Surname and Country must be added to “Data for authenticated users“

At least E-Mail, Firstname, Surname, Country and Consent must be added to ”Data of 3rd party users”


(= Speaker of a presentation or poster)

At least E-Mail, Firstname, Surname and Country must be added to “Data for authenticated users“

At least E-Mail, Firstname, Surname, Country and Consent must be added to ”Data of 3rd party users”

Payment setup optional



  • Go to Registration → Basics Setup and select the “Event default currency“ (Default: €)

  • Go to Administration → Payment Setup and enable the method of payment for “Abstract“. We use the payment context “Abstract“ for processing.

Note Please note that most likely only “Credit card” makes sense in the submission scenario. You can use “Cash payment“ for testing though.

  • Go to Administration → Paygate and enable a paygate for the event. If you don’t have access or don’t know what to do, please ask software operations for help.


1. Create the submission

In your event, open the sidebar item “Submissions“ and click on “Submissions Setup“

On top, you see a list of all submission processes of this event (abstracts & sessions).

To create a new one, populate the below form:

Private identifier
Enter a short internal identifier - this will only be used on the m-anage helpdesks and in reports

Enter the public title of the submission, e.g. “Industry session submission“

Select “Session“ from the pulldown - this can’t be changed after you clicked “Save”

After the submission was saved, the form will clear and you see one more item in the list


2. Define details of the submission


Next, you want to define further details of the submission. Click the ”Settings” button on the right of the item in the list.

You will be forwarded to the “Basics“ page.

Note You can’t change the type of submission anymore.

Related submission optional

As part of your session submission, you can also connect an abstract submission

Private identifier

Enter a short internal identifier - this will only be used on the m-anage helpdesks and in reports


Enter the public title of the submission, e.g. “Industry session submission“


A public text that will be displayed in the submission component below the submission title. Feel free to insert links, images and text. We recommend not to exceed one paragraph of text.

Submission Number

Fill in a prefix (e.g. ses) and a startindex for unique numbering of your sessions. You can’t use the same pattern twice in the same event.


This is the overruleing setting to completely setup a submission, but keep hit private. Once it is set to public, start/end will apply.


Start date and time the submission is available

Note To be able to test the submission, you must set a date in the past and select “Public“.


Date and time the submission becomes unavailable


Official deadline. This is only a text that is displayed.

"Create new"-Deadlineoptional

Set a deadline until when new submissions can be created. Drafts can still be edited till the submission end date.


This is always the first step in the submission. Feel free to insert links, images and text.

Note Clicking “Save“ will get you back to the list of submissions.


Requirements define options in the editors and which other data can or must be added to a session.


Italics font can allowed for the titleoptional

Set the minimum and maximum characters. You must set values > 0


Define the options in the Rich Text Editor: Italics, Bold, Underline, Greek symbols, Subscript, Superscript, Ordered list, Unordered list optional

Set the minimum and maximum characters. You must set values > 0


The session type is intended to define technical aspects of a session, e.g. how many chairs and presentations, if chairs can be invited, if it is an industry session etc.

  • Active: Submitters see the session-type pulldown

  • Auto applied type: When the submitter creates a new session, this type will automatically be applied.

Note When you only have one session type in your setup, it will appear preselected on the frontend.


Session groups define content ~ the topic(s) of a session.

  • Active: Submitters see the session-group multiselect

  • Set the minimum and maximum characters. You must set value > 0 for the maximum.

Learning Objectives

You must set value > 0 for the minimum if you want the learning objectives section to appear on the frontend.

  • Min. / Max. letters: How many characters on LO must/can have You must set values > 0

  • Min. / Max. words: How many words an LO must/can have You must set values > 0


Note We skip the parts on the UI with the remark “Not yet implemented“

  • Add presentation: Enabled by default, the submitter can add presentations. Needs to be disabled if you ONLY want abstracts to be part of the session submission.

  • Speaker is mandatory: Presentations must have a speaker


In the steps you can disable (by default all steps are enabled) and rename the steps in the submission component.

Note Please be aware that the step names don’t support multilanguage at the moment.


Content of the steps is…

SubmitGuidelines optional

Display of the guidelines as entered under “Basics” of the setup.


Title, description, session-type, session-group, learning objectives


Add & remove chairs of a session


Add & remove presentations with title, description and type

Submit & withdraw abstracts as part of the session optional

Add speakers for presentations

SubmitCustomfields optional

Additional questions to the submitter (aka Custom Queries). Saved as custom queries for the session.

SubmitPayment optional

Payment for the session. If enabled and configured, only paid sessions can be submitted.


Summary of all data entered and final step.

Payment optional

Define the fee to submit a session and upload the invoice template.

Description of service

Name of the submission fee on the invoice and the order summary in the payment step

Price incl. VAT

Enter the final price without currency


Enter the amount of VAT included in the fee. 0 is possible.

Country of abstract submitter

Define the list of countries that are exempt from payment (based on the submitters country).

Billing template

Upload the E-Mail body and Invoice template for the payment which is sent to the submitter when payment was processed.


Cancellation template optional

In case of cancellations, this template can be sent to the submitter as cancellation via the registration helpdesk.


Templates optional

You can upload a docx E-Mail template which is automatically sent to the submitters when they submit a session and need a written confirmation.

The template can contain all session information.


3. Assign metadata (types etc.)

Session types

Go to Submissions → Session types

Create at least one session type for all of your submissions. Make sure to assign it to your submission by picking it from the multiselect “Submissions“ in the “New session-type” form.

Once created, edit the type by clicking the settings icon in the list and set the min and max values for chairs and content (Presentations/Poster or/and abstracts). You must set values > 0


Session groups

Go to Submissions → Session groups

Create the session-groups for your submissions. Make sure to select the submission in the multiselect in the “New session-group“ form.

Presentation types

Go to Submissions → Presentation types

Create the presentation-types for your submissions. Make sure to select the submission in the multiselect in the “New presentation-type“ form. You can ignore the “System type“.

Custom queries

Go to Submissions → CustomQueries

Create the custom queries (Textbox, Singleselect, Dropdown (=Multiselect) etc.) for your submissions by clicking “+ Add“.

Note that you only need to the set the “Display“ checkbox, select the “Control” and add a label text.

Once you created the custom query, click the Settings icon in the list and assign it to the submission you want it to appear.


4. Enable submission user module


Go to Administration → Setup → Modules or use the shortcut on the dashboard

Drag the module “SessionSubmissionV2“ from the left side to the right side.

Set the “Enabled“ checkbox.

This will also add the “Session helpdesk“ to the administrative shortcuts on the dashboard which is intended for monitoring the submissions.

The text and icon on the dashboard tile can be found in the UI texts set “DesktopV2“ and the name “SessionSubmissionV2“


Go to Administration → Setup → Modules or use the shortcut on the dashboard

Go to the tab “VMX Dashboard“

Drag the module “Session Submission“ from the left side to the right side.

Set the “Enabled“ checkbox.

5. Test

On the dashboard or in VMX, click on the Session Submission tile

This will open the session submission overview page with its two column layout.

If you did everything right, you submission will appear on the left side and you can click “Add“ to create a new session and go through the wizard.


You can review this test setup at https://www.m-anage.com/Login.aspx?event=wikimanuals