


To enable to the “Reviews” on the m-anage dashboard, look for the “Reviews” module




General review process

How to review

First, the reviewers get a list of reviews they are assigned to and have content to review

“Start Review” will forward them to their actual list of abstracts or sessions

The user has two lists on this page - the “Todo“ and the “Already reviewed“ on the very bottom

A click on “Review“ will open the item in the list and the review can be done


Declining an abstract is the act of a reviewer that refuses to score it, either positively or negatively.

This process is enabled through the Reviews setup, under Review parameters, where we can choose to enable Declining an abstract, but also enabling a comment as to why the abstract was declined:


Once Declined, The status will show up in the Review helpdesk in red, along with the comment of the Reviewer (if applicable):




Edit a review

As noted above, in how to review, The editing of completed reviews is available in each reviewers review space:


Clicking on Already reviewed abstracts will open a list of all completed reviews. Next to each reviewed item, we can click on the button Expand, which will open up the reviewed item.

From here we can make any changes we want to it and save accordingly. Editing reviews is available until the end of the Review period as set up in the Review Timings (Start, End, Deadline).


Review Helpdesk

The review helpdesk is used as an overview of all the reviews that are available in the system. Upon visiting the Helpdesk, the user gets the option to choose the Review they want to oversee:


Once a Review is selected, the corresponding abstracts (or sessions) will appear.

This is where the final acceptance or rejection will happen. Each abstract will have the comments, scoring and overview of the Reviewers, along with an option to reject or accept it at the top:




  • Reviewer has a conflict of interest

    • Only one option to reject to score

    • Setting for each review setup which overrides the current “Refuse to score“ for the reviewer

    • “Poor quality” not be implemented (poor implementation)

    • A confirmation modal is shown to the reviewer before scoring is set to “Rejected“

    • Upon confirmation, the abstracts/session does no longer appear in the lists


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