m-anage Release Notes


New features


Speaker Photo

Speaker photos are required to be at least 640x480 px and have an aspect ratio of 4/3 for best display in streams with at least Full HD quality. This applies to the photo upload module as well as the photo upload in the content submission.

Content submission [WIP]

New type “HTML Content“. This will allow to submit full text content with various media files to the programme.


Users can enter their biography in the new biography module as well as in the invitiation module.


Session convenors (often used for group session uploads) can upload a profile photo and edit the biography for speakers



Users can “like“ content - this option can be enabled for session types, sessions and content (presentations & posters)



Certificate Helpdesk

Slight update to make it work better on small screens and make use of big screens.

Content Submission

Keyword selection UI update

Speaker Photo upload

Speaker photos are required to be at least 640x480 px and have an aspect ratio of 4/3 for best display in streams with at least Full HD quality.



Filters for custom queries and organized fields into tabs for better overview.


With the first upcoming hybrid/onsite congresses, we did a variety of tests to ensure the core processes are available. Tested were badge printing, session scanning, lead retrieval and certificate printing with various configurations.

Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com