New Features
Disable topic, subtopic, type JMT-18605
We added options in the requirements-section of an abstract submission to enable or disable the selection of a type, topic or subtopic.
Session Submission
Often used for workshops, a container-like session is used to group multiple sessions. You can connect two session submissions, while one is the “parent“-session, and the other for the “sub-session“.
If the submitter decides to withdraw a sub-session, it will be removed from the submitters view on the sub-sessions but still be visible in the Session manager → Session edit → Sub-Sessions.
People-step JMT-18281
Used for “Speakers on session-level“. In case you need to have sessions without presentations.
Multilevel Keywords JMT-18284
Sessions now support keywords in the submission process. These keywords can also have multiple levels. They are defined in Submissions → Metadata → Keywords.
If keywords have multiple levels, they will appear as a tree selection in the submission process.
Additional session info JMT-17987
We added additional fields that can be utilized in the session submission.
Supporting company
Format (Virtual/Onsite)
Target Audience
These are enable in Submissions → Setup → Session Submission → Requirements and appear in the submission on the basics-step.
Recently used affiliations JMT-18061
For session and abstract submissions submitters can, in addition to creating new affiliations, pick from their recently used affiliations.
COI Extensions JMT-18010
General question
Submission or event specific
Company mode
Session Helpdesk
Sessions and Sub-sessions are indicated with icons and new filter “Level“ with the options all, sessions, sub-sessions was added.
Topic/Sub-topic assignment JMT-18283
Session Manager
Session Manager
Sessions and Sub-sessions are indicated with icons and new filter “Level“ with the options all, sessions, sub-sessions was added.
Abstract Assignment
Sessions and Sub-sessions are indicated with icons and new filter “Level“ with the options all, sessions, sub-sessions was added.
Session Details
Sessions have a new tab “Sub-sessions“ that lists all sub-sessions with all status, e.g. also withdrawn sub-sessions.
Sub-sessions can’t have another child-element, but on their basics-page, the parent session is indicated.
Faculty Helpdesk
The faculty helpdesk can be used to categorize and track faculties, store their accommodation and travel details and send out mailings. By default, all users of the programme are part of the faculty helpdesk based on their role of speaker, chair or session-convenor. You can assign custom tags to additional users and add them here as well, e.g. former presidents, committee-members or other groups.
Further features:
Assign travel budget and free hotel nights - like on the invitation helpdesk
Assign tags to categorize persons
Upload custom word templates and send mailings
Take notes on their person, registration, accommodation and travel
Register faculties in bulk (only tickets with 0€/$-Fees supported), e.g. all speakers get a free registration
Export the data for further processing
Template for HTML Review JMT-19461
We added an intermediate solution to define the template used for the review of Html-Abstracts. The default key is “m-anageSectionDefaultV2Review“. Event specific keys have to be requested from your project manager with details which data has to appear in the preview, e.g. title, type, body section 1, body section 2.
Discount codes JMT-19953
Discount codes for memberd-fees can be used in the membership application component.
Role-restriction JMT-19891
It is possible to select if a submission is disabled or hidden for users without a tag.
Abstract Submission
Submission Number Search & Merge-field
Application setup language JMT-19756