m-anage Release Notes


In the first release of 2024 we focus on extensions for the submissions in general, but also for sessions and abstracts specifically, which will continue in Q1. A highly requested feature is the import of tickets and web-shop products where we took a first step and will see more enhancements over the year.

The next release is planned for 27 March.

New features


Required registration JMT-14244

Access to modules can be limited to users with a paid registration only.


In contrast to the restriction with a tag which hides the module on the dashboard, users get a hint:


When users click on the module, in addtion a modal dialogue appears

The UI Text can be adapted in the set desktop - MissingRegistration_Description_txt

Registration / Webshop

Import JMT-14599

Import of tickets (participant types, categories, ticket types and prices) into the database. This can also be used for webshop products.

In addition, there is the option to use “Download data“ which will fill the import template with data of your current event. The prefilled file can be used as an import source for the new event.

Manual & Example


Target Groups JMT-14244

Target groups define who can access the submission process. As a first step, we introduce them based on tags. We are able to assign tags to a known group of users as a support task, but it is possible to use automatic assigned tags like in modules, e.g. the tag for a participant with a paid registration ticket “mTT|123456|Paidm” (123456 = Tickettype ID).

Users not part of the target group still can see the submission, but are redirected to a “No access page“, where they can be guided to e.g. a registration URL. This page will open in a new browser tab.

Steps - Description jmt-15768

Not in all cases the UI Texts are sufficient if you have a setup with multiple submissions, but need to put submission specific descriptions in. For each step a description can be added now.

This description will be displayed on top of each step.

Abstract Submissions

Authors 15515

New options to automatically add the submitter of the abstract as the first author and presenting author.


The presenter and main author has to be selected manually. Both can be changed.

“Required“ setting

The submitter is automatically an author and is the presenter and main author. Both can’t be changed.

“Suggestion” setting

The submitter is automatically an author and is the presenter and main author. Both can be changed.

Session Submissions

Chairs JMT-15194

New option to automatically add the submitter/convenor of the session as the first chair.

Once the session is created, the convenor/submitter is set as a session chair and can’t be removed from that position.

Edit options jmt-15174

New options to disable editing for title, description and learning objectives.


Abstract Status JMT-13210

The restriction to show the Abstract Status module on the dashboard only for users with the role “AbstractAuthor“ was removed. Use the module setup to limit display again.

In addition, a session preview can be displayed in case the abstract was put in the programme (in a session)

Be sure to enable these previews not before the embargo deadline.

Content submission

Requirements JMT-14244

Access to upload of a presentation can be limited to users with a paid registration only.

Enable this option for a presentation type in Programme > Presentation Types > Edit type in the section “Requirements“





Helpdesk Jmt-13283

The presentation type filter allows multiple seletions of presentation types.

Session details - Content JMT-11900

The column that outlines the invitation status uses the same colors as the invitation helpdesk and a tooltip was added which describes the current status.


Helpdesk - Account JMT-15466

Fixed wording and added translation

Other fixes

  • JMT-15304 Hint text on content submission not displayed properly

  • JMT-15561 Display in setup of uploaded invitation templates misleading. Make sure to first select a language before upload.

  • JMT-15330 Validation of an incomplete invoice address was not highlighted correctly

  • JMT-15624 HTML in an abstract title could cause the abstract not being editable

  • JMT-15155 Added a confirmation popup for invitation confirmation E-Mails

  • JMT-15679 Fixes display of mandatory payment method in registration payment step

  • JMT-15700 Added missing UI Texts to the submission setup

  • JMT-15709 Display issue on membership helpdesk in the section “Professional Data“

  • JMT-15680 Position of event background image on landing page

  • JMT-15305 Various background css fixes on m-anage membership pages

  • JMT-15207 Removed whitespace on COI module




Questions? Please contact: support@m-anage.com