Abstract Submission Word Template

Abstract Submission Word Template

General remarks

Our submission works based on a word file that is provided as a template to the submitters. The templates has to be uploaded in Submission Setup → Templates → Submission Template.

Once uploaded, the system applies a hidden bookmark to the template which can be used to force the users to use the template.

Restricting sections

How to restrict sections in the word template

  1. Insert continuous breaks on every line

  1. go to review --> restrict editing --> select filling in forms from dropdown --> click on select sections...

each section is one of the continuous section break. only select the protected sections.


step3: click on start enforcement and add a password


Word/Character Count

A separate template can be uploaded that also contains mergefield if it is needed to include e.g. the title, category, authors, affiliations etc. in the word/character count.

Go to Submission Setup → Templates → Word/Character count template