Abstract Submissions Setup



Overview of submissions and abstracts

As the first step of moving user functionality to the VMX platform, we created a new additional implementation of the abstract submission process. The core feature is to allow multiple submission setups in the same event. Each can have a different deadlines, templates, requirements and payments.

In addition, it is also possible to use the new abstract submission in context of the m-anage event dashboard.

Core user functionalities

  • Overview with search

  • Guidelines step

  • HTML abstract title

  • Topics + Subtopics

  • Preferred presentation type

  • Predefined keywords

  • Roles (Main author, Presenting author)

  • Author affiliations

  • Author conflicts of interests

  • Author study group

  • Custom queries (Label, Textbox, Single select, Multiselect, Rich Text Editor, File upload, Date & Time picker)

  • Custom queries filters depending on preferred presentation type

  • Custom queries filters depending on Topic / Subtopic

  • Word submission template

  • Word + Character limits

  • Payment + Invoicing

  • PDF previews

  • Reopen submitted abstracts

The submission wizard

Core backend functionalities

  • Public deadline

  • Submission shutdown deadline

  • Deadline for creating new abstracts

  • Setup of name, description, guidelines

  • Customizable step names with disable option

  • Assignment of topics, subtopics, types, custom queries

  • Submission number pattern

  • Requirements setup

  • Templates for body, preview, invoices, cancellations, confirmation mails

  • Filters on helpdesks & reports

The existing abstract submission is not affected. Reports and the api still remain and are going to be extended where necessary.


  • Guideline >> new step


    • 1 presentation type

    • 1 topic (old track)

    • 1 subtopic (old category)

  • Create new Deadline >> people who should finish their draft

  • END of Submission >> not even for editing the draft

  • Disable payment for specific countries

  • AbstractSubmission V2 - Module available

  • Existing _ FILTER option

    if criteria fulfilled then the CQ is available:

Pipeline for integrating other New Features

  • Including spaces on counting characters on word document >>> ticket to report

  • December _ TESTING _ Custom Queries under user profile component

  • January 2023 _ Multiple REVIEW (both abstract submission review and session submission review)

    • Setup

    • Multiple rounds of Review (define abstract that should be review in different rounds)

    • All the helpdesk view to be adapted

Old Review available if new abstract submission is active

  • Existing - 1st Quarter 2023 _ New VMX default Template for Pre-event services

  • January _ Session Submitter is automatically the Chair of the Session

Missing item to scope

  1. OPEN _ Withdraw Abstract (only inserted in the Session Submission)

  2. ITEMS of process

    1. Items clickable on the frontend (means to save the status of the step) _ not filled in you cannot click on it.

    2. Process Steps responsive (we already have on registration)

  3. Custom Keywords

  4. Affiliations collection:
    >> Google Search (to have less duplicates or typos)
    >> previously recent list of affiliation

  5. Multiple Custom Queries Steps (Conditions and Interests were removed)

    1. Distribute CQ on each steps

    2. ex. CONSENT _ no option of a concept (EHA)

  6. Authors equal to 0 (really)

  7. Withdraw function on Submissions helpdesk

  8. STEPS naming: you cannot have Multi-Language

  9. Hide selection of presentation type even if we define the default one to be assigned to

  10. Target Abstract Submission Groups _ allow submission for a dedicated amount for people >> receiver list for mailing

  11. Presentation Abstract _ Invited Speaker that need to submit and abstract for a presentation (depends on the concept behind “abstract” if an actual submission of an abstract or a presentation description)

  12. HTML abstract submission

  13. Steps FILTERS: only for criteria (ex. payment only for Oral Presentation Type)

  14. Images or table that should extract from the count characters >>> potentially with HTML submission

  15. Video Submission or Handouts or other files _ EXTENDED ABSTRACTS >> video submission

    1. Idea to extend the Custom queries _ file type restriction _ max file sizes _ length of the video _ character limits

  16. US. Learning Objectives (Session Description) to have them on abstract submission level

Related ticket from US https://jmarquardt.atlassian.net/browse/JMT-13928